At 09:19 AM 10/18/2002 +0100, Stan Barr wrote:
>You might also like to search for ISO 18921 which is available on the
>net as ISO_18921.pdf (can't remember exactly where...) which discusses
>the life expectancy of CDs in respect of photography - which is why I
>located a copy.
>Also the book "Avoiding Technological Quicksnad: Finding a Viable
>Technical Foundation for Digital Preservation" by Jeff Rothenberg
>is available online as html.
In short, report says "emulation is an answer". Another relevant
point in the discussion jumped out at me: all the estimates of
theoretical media longevity (be it CD, CD-R or whatever) have
nothing to do with the longevity of media *in use*, and that
any media in use may tend to fail after only a few years,
and this greatly increases the need for media recopying practices,
and for schemes of metadata to record info about the info,
from digitizing the label on up.
- John
Received on Fri Oct 18 2002 - 07:48:00 BST