OT: Clean steel? more info

From: McFadden, Mike <mmcfadden_at_cmh.edu>
Date: Fri Oct 18 12:45:01 2002

More info for Sellam


Bayern as raised in 1933. She fetched a scrap value of ?110,000 nearly half
of which was profit. The salvage operations on the various ships started in
the early 1920's with most of the ships having been raised by the late
1930's. Since then fragments of ships have been raised and since Hiroshima
they remain an important source of quality radioactive free metals necessary
for certain types of sensitive scientific instruments


Radioactivity in the atmosphere has increased over time with the continual
testing of atomic bombs of all types. Steel makers need vast amounts of air
to make steel so it would follow that steel made nowadays contains certain
amounts of radioactivity. Prior to dropping the first A bomb in 1945, steel
was radioactive free, and the only source of this 'clean' steel left lies in
pre 1945 wrecks that lie on the seabed.


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