[OT] paper on Retro ?

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Sat Oct 19 06:09:00 2002

On Oct 19, 8:33, Stan Barr wrote:
> ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) said:
> >
> > Also, many of us remember filling in a coding form, then either
> > a card deck or having one punched, then handing it to the operator,
> > coming back to collect the output (normally error messages :-)). I
> > if people will even rememebr that went on in, say, 50 years time.
> I used to have to fill out coding forms, put them in the internal mail
> with a run request and get a printout in the mail a day or so later.
> It made debugging somewhat slow :-)

At school (secondary school, I suppose that's high school for Americans),
we used to fill out FORTRAN (even though we were writing ALGOL) coding
forms and hand them in, and get them back a week later. It taught the
value of dry-running a program :-)

When I worked at Edinburgh University in the mid-70's, our research unit
had punch operators who'd punch the cards, and I'd take the boxes up the
road about 3/4 mile and hand them in. Then they'd sit in a queue until the
operator fed them in, and we'd get the printout back later that day
(usually). I must have handled hundreds of thousands of punch cards, but
now I all I have are three empty metal trays and one card (and I only have
the card because someone sent it to me with a note on it a while ago).

Can anyone remember how many IBM cards fit in a box? A card is nominally 8
thou thick, and a tray is about 16.5" long internally, so it must be
something of the order of 2000.

Who remembers drawing a cross or a diagonal line on the top of the card
deck, so you had some chance of re-ordering the deck if someone dropped the

Who remembers using a folded card (16 thou) to check the points on their
engine (nominally 15 thou)? Folded in three to check the spark plug gap
(nominally 25 thou)??

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Sat Oct 19 2002 - 06:09:00 BST

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