[OT] paper on Retro ?

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Sun Oct 20 10:03:01 2002

On Oct 19, 11:36, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:

> > Who remembers drawing a cross or a diagonal line on the top of the card
> > deck, so you had some chance of re-ordering the deck

> Depended a lot on how often it would be changed.
> On a deck that would be changed OFTEN, you put ONE diagonal. Next time
> that it changed significantly, you'd put a second diagonal. By the time
> that you had a dozen different colors and directions of diagonals, that
> deck would be overdue to be recopied to have nice fresh crisp cards.

We rarely did that. We did use diagonal line(s) to see if a deck needed
sorted; if it wasn't too big then the line was usually enough.

> At many locations, different colors of cards had special meanings. When
> was working at Goddard Space Flight Center, I did not have appropriate
> clearance for handling some of the colors of cards that I was working
> with.

Yes, I can't remember all the colours except that blue was usually JCL.

> > > Who remembers using a folded card (16 thou) to check the points on
> > > engine (nominally 15 thou)? Folded in three to check the spark plug
> > > (nominally 25 thou)??
> And what did you use for adjusting your valves? (~ .006) Zig-zags?

No, anything more serious than a quick sanity check merited a real feeler
gauge :-)

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Sun Oct 20 2002 - 10:03:01 BST

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