A Momentous Decision

From: Cameron Kaiser <spectre_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu>
Date: Tue Oct 22 02:06:00 2002

> In the early 1990s, I got a tour of one of the networking labs at Bell Labs.
> I noticed that all the servers were labeled with names--all characters from
> The Little Mermaid.

I name all my servers after Scandinavian cities. Right now, I have stockholm
(ANS 500/200), thule (Mac IIci running NetBSD) and reykjavik (Solbourne
S4100/36), with oslo in the wings (POWERServer; exact model to be determined
when I take possession).

The unfortunate consequence of this is that people think I live in Sweden,
and tell me they won't ship stuff to Europe (stockholm.ptloma.edu), ignoring
the .ptloma, and the .edu.

----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- "I'd love to go out with you, but I'm rethreading my toothbrush bristles." -
Received on Tue Oct 22 2002 - 02:06:00 BST

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