good book on Pascal

From: Erik S. Klein <>
Date: Tue Oct 22 17:37:00 2002

I'd suggest "Oh! Pascal" by Doug Cooper

The second edition is from 1985 and is a generic Pascal text. It was
the course text for one of my classes way back when and is an excellent
resource. It may be more of a text then a reference, but if I remember
correctly (I probably still have my copy boxed somewhere inaccessible),
it will suffice as both.

I saw several used copies on Amazon (the link above) for under $1.50.

Erik S. Klein

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dwight K. Elvey
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 3:08 PM
Subject: good book on Pascal

 I'm looking for a good reference book on Pascal.
I'm looking for something in the 1982 to 1985 time range.
The Pascal, I have, is said to be MS-Pascal. I didn't know that
they did a Pascal but it may have been someone elses
that they OEM'd. I don't think it is Turbo Pascal
so don't suggest your favorite TP book.
 Of course, it isn't on a x86 machine so there may be
differences. I am mostly interested in the kind of things
one would normally find in the object library that one
would use with this compiler. They mention that it is
a shared library with MS-FORTRAN. Information on FORTRAN
libraries might also be useful.
Received on Tue Oct 22 2002 - 17:37:00 BST

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