--- John Allain <allain_at_panix.com> wrote:
> I need help in finding a D?15F to 3+BNC break out cable so
> as to connect RGB-3BNC hosts to a VGA muntisynch monitor.
> The reverse I can find: the cable that connects a 3BNC monitor
> to the D?15F connector on a PC host, but not this one, where I
> just have a monitor with the D?15M connector.
> Any help in locating one is appreciated.
Much cheaper than a reverse cable might be a Female-to-Female HD-15
gender converter - I've seen them at Hamfests for much less than $5.
If cost is an object and effort isn't, you *could* scavenge a pair of
female connectors and wire up your own gender bender.
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Received on Wed Oct 23 2002 - 14:59:00 BST