HP1000 Card Edge Connectors

From: Geoff Reed <geoffr_at_zipcon.net>
Date: Fri Oct 25 05:00:00 2002

at 03:12 AM 10/25/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I was checking my inventory of unusual cables to see if I had one of
>these, and although I couldn't find one, I came across a couple of other
>unusual cables. I put up photos and information here:
> http://www.techmonkeys.org/~tothwolf/cables/
>If anyone has an idea what they might be, speak up so I can tag and
>inventory them properly...
the top one looks like a commodore vic20/c64 to serial cable (If my memory
is still working right....) it should be 10 double sided pins IIRC on the
'card edge' end...

the bottom one looks like a winchester extender, used for some Routers and NT1's
Received on Fri Oct 25 2002 - 05:00:00 BST

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