Hi George,
y_Modems> &submenu=Legacy_Modems
-----Original Message-----
From: Voyager [mailto:voyager_at_hol.gr]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 11:24 AM
To: cctech_at_classiccmp.org
Subject: [OT?] Supra FaxModem
It may sound a bit offtopic, but it's near the 10yrs margin :-)
I have an external 28.8 Supra FAX modem, the one with the 2 digit green LED
display. It's never flashed, and contains one of the very early firmware
versions. I recall that Supra had an extensive file list (including manuals
in PDFs) for downloading at supra's site, then moved to Diamond, then
nothing, they vanished.
Could anybody help me locate a mirror of these files? I need the flash files
to upgrade it up to 33.6 version (needs several consecutive flashes) and the
AT command set that supported (the non standard commands).
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