Need SA400 help

From: Don Maslin <>
Date: Fri Oct 25 18:54:00 2002

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Glen Goodwin wrote:

> Can anyone help me with settings on this drive?
> Specifically, drive select, termination, and pinouts on the power connector
> (J2) would help.

Drive select - a choice of 1/2/3 - is determined by the programmable
shunt at location 1F. Installing a DIP switch is a much handier means
of selection. Configured for multiple drive installation, MX should be
open, HS shorted, and only the desired DSx shorted.

Termination is by a 150Ohm resistor DIP.

The power connector is the same as used on more modern 5.25" floppy
drives with pin-1 at 12VDC, pin-2 12V return, pin-3 5V return, and pin-4
5VDC. Pin one is identified on the component side of the PCB.

> Also, the specimen I have has a power switch on the front which appears to
> be factory-installed. Is this common for this drive? The photos I found
> on the 'net don't have a switch . . .

Sounds like a skillful add-on.
                                                - don

> TIA,
> Glen
> 0/0
> If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
> And if not now, when?
> -- Pirkei Avot
Received on Fri Oct 25 2002 - 18:54:00 BST

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