Apple II Programmer's Aid ROM

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Mon Oct 28 19:07:01 2002

On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Eric Smith wrote:

> Rich wrote:
> > I just read about this in the A2FAQ. Does anyone have this Apple ][ ROM
> > and manual?
> If you've got a DOS 3.3 Master diskette (or a "BASICS" diskette), you've
> got the ROM image. It's in the INTBASIC file on the DOS 3.3 Master.
> I've got a manual, somewhere.

And of course if you boot the DOS 3.3 System Master on a 64K Apple ][, it
will load the Integer BASIC ROM image (containing the Programmer's Aid
ROM) into the upper 16K of memory.

Then you can switch into Integer BASIC from Applesoft BASIC by typing
'INT' (which is a DOS command). To get back to Applesoft type 'FP' (for
Floating Point, as in floating point BASIC).

INT basically bank-switches in the ROM image in RAM. You can also press
RESET to get back to Applesoft. Switching using either command will init
your environment from scratch (i.e. any BASIC program in memory, either
Applesoft or Integer, is lost).

Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger

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Received on Mon Oct 28 2002 - 19:07:01 GMT

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