Philips P4500

From: Jules Richardson <>
Date: Tue Oct 29 11:34:00 2002

> Does anybody know anything about a Philips P4500 ??
> I just now the size which is well, a decent size.... :)
> Maybe someone has a picture ?

not as such, but maybe it's a bigger brother of my P3800. In which case I'll be
amazed - I heard of one other Philips system a few years ago which was a
similar but more basic version of mine (P---, can't remember the number now),
but the owner had long since disposed of it when I made enquiries. Never come
across anyone who has the same system as mine, or even heard of it, and not
heard of a 4500 either.

My unit's about 1 foot wide, 4ft deep and 3ft tall and is some kind of
multi-user CP/M system, or so I was told. It certainly has a lot of Z80 CPUs on
the cards in the cardcage! Not a particularly lightweight system either.

I can email an image off-list if you want.



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Received on Tue Oct 29 2002 - 11:34:00 GMT

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