Rumor has it that chris may have mentioned these words:
>Ok, anyone know of a safe way of removing a glued on heatsink? I have a
>few of these 486 CPUs where the heatsink is glued down. I could just jam a
>screwdriver in and snap it off, but that just doesn't seem very good for
>the chip.
Barring that, maybe putting the chip in upside-down (heatsink down) in a
shallow dish of acetone, just deep enough for the acetone to flow over the
top of the heatsink, but not touching much of the chip itself. Maybe
that'll dissolve the glue enough to get it off safely?
Granted, this would surely ruin any fan that may exist on the heatsink, but
methinks you wouldn't be worried about that (or you could remove it prior
to dunking...)
Just a (prolly bad) idea...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Received on Tue Oct 29 2002 - 13:22:00 GMT