Swapping boards on ST225 drives / Philips P3800 help

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue Oct 29 14:51:00 2002

Tony (and others),

> I have the schematics of the ST225 somewhere.

I misremembered about the drive - I've just had the case off the machine to get
some pictures in response to Stefan's post about the P4500 (at
www.moosenet.demon.co.uk/temp/p3800 for anyone who's interested)

The drive's a Rodime 202E which going from memory is 50MB or so.

I'm quite keen to see if I can get this thing running now as it's got me
curious. The key at the front has 3 settings - off, on and 'pm' - I have no
idea what the latter does but the abbreviation might mean something to

Applying power I get LEDs on the back of all cards, plus one labelled as +5V on
the power supply board. No fan activity though and no hard disk spindle motor;
maybe a +12V rail is dead or the problem might be more tricky to diagnose.
There's five LEDs on the front of the case - labelled 1,2,3 and 4 plus one with
a power symbol - none of those light when power is applied.

Might be something stupid like the system is waiting for a console command
before starting the disk but that's probably a little too hopeful :-)

There's 6 cables hanging out the back, all terminated with 25 pin connectors.
One's black and unlabelled, another is grey and unlabelled, and all the rest
are grey and labelled as: '8 bit 3100', '16 bit 3100' '8 st' and '8 st4'. Mean
anything to anyone? Are those terminal types or something?

I'll reseat all the cards tomorrow and measure a few voltages to see what's
what - plus connect the hard drive to a known-good supply and just check it
does spin up.

IC dates are all in 1984 so it's more recent than I thought (I'd guessed '82 or
so) but no idea when it last ran or what it was used for. Hopefully the disk
wasn't wiped prior to it being submerged in a flood! :)



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