VCF East 2.0 needs some hype (Re: VCF5: Nobody got it..!)

From: Merle K. Peirce <>
Date: Wed Oct 30 13:36:00 2002

The nice thing about Providence is that the 2 computer museums are nearby
and the Mark I is only an hour away. There is good public transporattion
also, and in the East, a lot of people like that as an option.

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Sellam Ismail wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, David A. Woyciesjes wrote:
> > You know, after seeing all these pictures, and hearing about it, I
> > do hope VCF East ends up in the New England area. I wonder if having a
> > booth with my VaxStation 3100 m38, DEC 3000/400, Mac SE/30 (with split
> > keyboard!) and maybe the Sun Ultra1E, all playing nice together, would
> > look out of place?
> Well, if you want it to be in New England then you must SPEAK UP! So many
> people came to me after VCF East 1.0 saying "if I had known about it I
> would have come!" A lot of this was my fault, but it's also your fault if
> you don't sign up for the mailing list and let me know a) that you're
> interested and b) where you live so I can make a good decision as to where
> to hold the event so as to maximize attendance.
> This is a very small budget event. There are not tens of thousands of
> dollars in it. It runs on a comparitively shoe string budget and I am
> lucky to break even most years (if you combine all the VCF nets from 1.0
> on up I am still in the hole on it). I can't do the kind of advertising
> that big computer shows do, especially if I don't get any financial
> sponsorhsip (which has been lacking the last two years). If you know
> someone or company that wants to throw a few bucks my way for this, let me
> know.
> The locations I am considering for VCF East 2.0 are Providence, RI, Boston
> proper, or New York City. Basically, somewhere with a large population
> center, that is central to a greater population center, and where a lot of
> vintage computer enthusiasts would easily find their way to.
> The best thing you can do at this point is SPREAD THE WORD. If you know
> people who would be interested in attending a VCF East, tell them to go to
> the VCF website and sign up on the mailing list.
> Tell them to leave specific feedback that states something to the effect
> of "I am really looking forward to VCF East!"
> Now go to it!
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> * Old computing resources for business and academia at *

M. K. Peirce

Rhode Island Computer Museum, Inc.
Shady Lea, Rhode Island

"Casta est quam nemo rogavit."
              - Ovid
Received on Wed Oct 30 2002 - 13:36:00 GMT

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