Richy keis wrote:
> Hi Ross,
> Do you have the Source of your "KIM-1" clock for me.
> You told me about your clock, here:
> . I have a KIM-1, but I'm
> afraid to connect it with power. I only can test it on
> emulators, so maybe you have it for me...
> Greetz,
> Richard, The Netherlands.
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Hello again, :)
The source file is attached.
As far as powering up your KIM-1, you must first
be sure you have a high-quality regulated power
supply with 5 volts output. If you wish to also
use the cassette interface, you will need 12 volts
output also.
I use a standard PC power supply,
because it is regulated. The only warning with
this is hook up something (an extra floppy, CD-ROM
drive, or other device) to the supply to ensure that
some current is being drawn at all times.
I use an old 2x CD-ROM drive for this. The other
advantage of this is you can measure everything on
your connectors BEFORE applying power to your KIM. :)
You'll also need a 44 pin edge card connector.
They can be quite difficult to find. I have a few
left, so I could mail you one or two if you like.
The alternative is soldering directly to your KIM,
which is not a good idea for such a rare system
unless it's already in poor shape.
The KIM-1 user manual (see )
has the drawing of how to apply power. If you have any
further questions, let me know. I'll be happy to help.
-- Ross
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Received on Wed Oct 30 2002 - 18:49:00 GMT