Looking for Symmetric 375

From: Steve Jones <classiccmp_at_crash.com>
Date: Thu Oct 31 14:26:00 2002

> It's kind of an odd thing, but does anyone have a Symmetric 375
> box that they want to pass to a good home.

Well, a while ago I was soliciting ns32k hardware of all sorts and
while the Symmetric was mentioned as an example, no one was offering
a unit for sale, trade, or otherwise. I don't recall anyone having
production numbers, but "few" seems appropriate...

Darned shame, it's a very fine looking box. I'd love to have one, as
I'm sure would at least a few others.


PS - Thanks to all who responded to that earlier thread, esp. David
     Fellows and Al Kossow.
Received on Thu Oct 31 2002 - 14:26:00 GMT

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