Best programming suite recommendations.

From: Robert C Wittig <>
Date: Thu Oct 31 19:52:01 2002

> I'm not usually one to be sold on Microsoft hype, but I am quite
> impressed with Visual Studio .NET; it has a few rough edges that need
> be cleaned up in the next service release or version, but it is a vast
> and huge improvement over their previous Visual Studio products (esp.
> Visual Basic). Of course, if your anti-Windows then you won't want it.
> But if you put your feelings aside and want to learn a tool that will
> most useful in the job market, I think VS.NET is a good one to know.

Heh. I'm a little anti-XP... but not anti-Windows per se.

I'm holding at Visual Studio 6 because I can't afford the upgrade to

A business is as honest as its advertisements.
Received on Thu Oct 31 2002 - 19:52:01 GMT

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