On 31 Aug, Tony Duell wrote:
>> Ah. Wasn't sure about that. I guess the uVAX2000 _does_ dedicate an
>> entire serial port to just the keyboard when in workstation mode.
> I can't say for the uVAX, but I am almost certain that the Rainbow does....
The MicroVAX/VAXstation 2000 dedicates two serial ports to the keyboard
and the mouse. There is a special break out box that makes this ports
available for connecting terminals when the VAXstation 2000 is used as
MicroVAX 2000. It is pluged into the keyboard/mouse/monitor connector on
the back of the MicroVAX 2000.
AFAIK all non-QBus VAXstations have a four port DZ-11 lookalike UART.
One port for the keyboard, one for the mouse and two for printer,
modem, (console), plotter, ... But the VAXstation 2000 is the only
machine that officially supported terminals on the keyboard/mouse ports
when in MicroVAX mode. (Selectable with a jumper.)
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Received on Sun Sep 01 2002 - 07:45:01 BST