OT: dumpster dive and water/mold cleanup

From: jpero_at_sympatico.ca <(jpero_at_sympatico.ca)>
Date: Mon Sep 2 21:01:00 2002

> Subject: Re: OT: dumpster dive and water/mold cleanup
> From: Chris <mythtech_at_mac.com>
> To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
> Reply-to: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 21:44:16 -0400

> >I've found that 'Brasso' applied by hand can descratch a CD
> >that was unreadable due to serious scratching and make it
> >useable.
> What's Brasso?

Small tin with white pop off cap, tin is covered in blue and white,
thick white stuff pours out of it on cloth and rubbed on tanished
metals to get it bright again.

The powder in it is sightly gritty enough to polish scratched CDs.
rub slow on wrong side, u don't want heat to melt plastic so no power

Toothpaste will work, heatsink grease will do that too. I used that
heatsink grease to polish off tanished silver platings on those VCR
mode switches then protect it with coat of silicone grease. Very
effective long-term fix.


Received on Mon Sep 02 2002 - 21:01:00 BST

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