>Are you thinking of 45s? I've never heard of storing fragile 78s in wire
I have some ceramic 78's stored in wire racks. They go to my Victrola. I
confiscated them that way from my father (when I repaired the Victrola
many years ago), but I remember growing up they were always stored that
way in the basement.
I can't say however if my father put them that way, or if he got them
that way from my grandmother when he confiscated the Victrola from her
(with intention of repairing it, but he didn't, instead it sat in the
foyer for 15 years before I decided to see if I could get it going).
I haven't dared change their storage method simply because I am afraid of
breaking them, and I figure if they have made it about 30 years this way,
they should be able to make it another 30.
Received on Tue Sep 03 2002 - 21:34:00 BST