OT: dumpster dive and water/mold cleanup
Tothwolf wrote:
> It seems most collectors I've read about like to store cleaned records in
> new sleeves, and keep the old sleeve in the album with the new one.
The box that I have gone through had only 2 albums, but many individual
records, in sleeves. Still need to get the other boxes, though.
> Btw, is there a dedicated mailing list anywhere for this sort of topic?
> It does seem like lots of people here have an interest in old records,
> wire recordings (...got some of these and the recorder too), etc, even
> though such topics are not exactly computer related.
I don't know of any lists. I haven't looked. Seems the trend now days
are those silly web forums. I do read a couple of Chevy truck web
forums, but I'd rather have a mailing list anyday. Seems only computer
folks have the know how to do a list :-(
I think most "geeks" have some interest in many forms of geekery :-) I
don't know if I would consider myself a geek, though. I'm not sure I
like the term, besides I leaned towards the "nerd" side in high school,
to some extent.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Received on Wed Sep 04 2002 - 00:17:00 BST
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