On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 01:38:02PM -0500, Doc Shipley wrote:
> Thanks, I do need the pinouts. Does yours have a 15-pin interface?
I've only got classiccmp going back to ~2000 but google saved me:
(courtesy of Neil Preston, usenet)
Pin 9 - protective ground - terminal chassis
pin 1 - Signal ground
Printer - keyboard interface pins 11-15
Pin 14 - CR busy; from terminal; lpTTL high-true when printhead is lifted
(for test only)
Pin 15 - DTR from terminal; EIA level held ON when terminal is on line
Pin 13 - XMTD from terminal; EIA level held to MARK state when no data is
being transmitted
Pin 12 - RCVD from external; Receive data; EIA level held to MARK state by
external device when no data is to be printed.
Pin 11 - CDET from external; CArrier detect; EIA level held ON by external
device when data is to be received on pin 12.
EIA communications interface Pins 2,3 8
Pin 2 - CARDET from terminal; Carrier detect; EIA level held ON by terminal
when carrier is detected.
Pin 8 - RCVDATA from terminal; Receive data; EIA level held to MARK state by
terminal when no data is being received.
Pin 3 - XMIT DATA from external device; Transmit data; EIA level held to MARK
state by external device when no data is to be transmitted.
Current loop interface
pin 6 - RL1 Input side of receive data current loop when current loop option
is installed; otherwise, 3.3K ohms to +5v
Pin 7 - RL2; Return side of receive data current loop. as above
Pin 5 - X1; Input side of transmit data current loop when option installed.
Pin 4 - X2; Return side of transmit data current loop.
Pin 10 - P12V - spare EIA level held ON when power is on (3.3K ohms to +12v
My 700 has a loopback connector for the 15-pin interface, which is needed
when using the acoustic modem:
Received on Wed Sep 04 2002 - 00:45:01 BST