Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca> said:
> Tothwolf wrote:
> > Has a laser pickup turntable ever been on the market? I remember reading
> > about R/D for one, but don't recall ever seeing one sold anywhere.
> I remeber reading about one once being developed for the cylinder records
> of the 1890's.
The UK magazine "Electronics World", which us more mature types still
call "Wireless World", sells a cd of early recording transferred from
cylinders. AFAIK they were done using a custom-built drive and a
conventional tone-arm rather than optically. Tracks range from
"Polka des English's", 1900, to "Doin' the Raccoon" by Billy Murray,
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Wed Sep 04 2002 - 13:07:00 BST