Rumor has it that Zane H. Healy may have mentioned these words:
> > I have offered audio restoration services for many years, from any (and
> > all) types of recorded audio media - cylinders, wire, tape: paper,
> > plastic, sprocketed, 2MM to 4"... etc etc. I restore damaged media and do
> > forensic work.
For an audiophobe like me, that sounds kinda fun... but my new non-computer
hobby looks to be woodworking (out of necessity...)
>My current archival project involves shifting Laserdisc's to DVD-R. I'm
>embarrassed to admit that I've resorted to using a system running Windows
Why XP instead of 2000? My Tivo -> SVCD projects went 15-20% slower on XP
vs. 2K, so I dropped back. I *despised* that damnable kandy-koted GUI crap,
> I'm still refining the process, however, I'm getting results that are
>about as good as a non-Anamorphic Commercial DVD. I'm only doing this for
>titles that can't be gotten on DVD (and in at least some cases will
>probably never be released again).
My results are better than VHS, as I've never seen SVHS in action, I can't
say about that... not quite as good as DVD. But... hey... whaddya want for
$0.20 per disc??? :-) -- for my methods;
maybe you'll find a nugget of info there to help you out?
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Received on Wed Sep 04 2002 - 16:20:00 BST