PDP-8 "Introduction to Programming"

From: Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Thu Sep 5 12:32:01 2002

Andreas Krennmair wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a student interested in retrocomputing. That's why I started
> programming PDP-8 assembly a few days ago (Debian basically delivers all
> you need to do that, i.e. simh and palbart). One problem I have is the
> documentation. All that I found is either only a reference for the
> PDP-8 instructions or the documentation of PAL III assembler. The third
> thing I had as reference was the source code of OS/278. All in all, very
> incomplete. Now I learned about the "Introduction to Programming" by
> DEC, written for and about the PDP-8. Unfortunately I was unable to find
> a copy of it on the internet. Now I ask whether anybody of you has a
> copy of it (machine-readable preferred). In Austria, DEC hardware
> doesn't seem to have been very popular at that time, so documentation
> isn't easily available, either (it's even quite hard to get VAXen,
> fortunately I did).
> Thanks in advance,
> Andreas Krennmair

I have a very ratty paper coverless copy here.:)
I have not seen any thing
on the internet as well. The book covers mostly using a PDP-8 with paper
tape/TTY or a DECtape (TC08 controler) and the paper tape floating point
package. However programing the PDP-8 is fairly straight forward as you
only few instructions. The biggest problem is the memory limitation of the
PDP-8 -- 128 word pages. A two good 8 links are:
http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~jones/pdp8/ basic programing
http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/pdp8/ software, hardware docs
Downloading the PDP-5 manual may be usefull as the PDP-8 is a similar
Received on Thu Sep 05 2002 - 12:32:01 BST

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