James E. LaBarre wrote:
> Posessing a decoder not "authorized" by the MPAA
> so that you can watch your *own property* on some OS which the MPAA &
> friends felt was beneath their dignity to port to should /not/ be a
> crime.
Finally! Someone who shares my opinion :-)
I'm not buying a DVDROM for my PC due to region coding - if I want to buy a
DVD in the 'States to watch here in the UK, I'll go ahead and do it.
> The only reason I even have a DVD player is because we were
> given one for Christmas. I certainly will not be going hog-wild
> buying DVDs for home.
The only reason I'm even thinking of buying a DVD player is the fact that
some of them (particularly one made by Mustek) can play CDRs, CDRWs,
VideoCDs, Super VideoCDs, etc. Screw DVDs. I'm keeping my Sharp VC-A45HM
video recorder and no-one is going to stop me.
> The RIAA are pulling the same sort of crap too. All that legislation
> they're trying to get passed not only screws the ordinary consumer
> simply trying to make optimum use of the MPAA's overpriced product,
> but is an effort to subsidize themselves and drive the independent
> labels & artists out of business at the same time.
My thoughts exactly.
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Received on Mon Sep 09 2002 - 13:12:00 BST