Apple II Echo II card and speaker

From: chris <>
Date: Tue Sep 10 16:19:00 2002

> I could use a copy if you don't mind. I have one of those cards too.
>Is there anything special about the speaker box? (Is it amplified?) I
>didn't get the box with mine.

I just opened the box for mine. Now mine most likely is designed to hook
up to the serial port if a IIc, but inside, there is NOTHING of
importance. No amplifier, no nothing. Basically, the cable comes in, 2
wires go to the Volume, which splits to a headphone jack and then to the
speaker... and 2 wires go to the pot for "Rate".

So at least on the IIc version, everything must be done in software, and
the rate pot must just alter the signal on the serial port, and just
tells the software to make the correct changes.

I don't know what is in the box for the IIe card. I found a pic of that
box, and it appears to have a standard 1/8 plug for that speaker jack on
the card. I couldn't really tell from the picture if there was even a
"rate" dial on that box at all. If there was, the dial was missing and it
was just the post. I would think that if there is a rate dial for it,
that something would have to be done internally to the box, because there
doesn't appear to be any way to get the signal back to the card (the jack
on my card looks like it might be a mono type plug, which would only give
you the +/- for the speaker and no return path).

The software is supposed to be on the asimov ftp site
( but I can't seem to log on there right now (I
either get a connection refused, or it just sits trying to connect). Does
anyone know if that site is still up? (I'll check the appleii newsgroup
tonight... I can't read NNTP from work)

Received on Tue Sep 10 2002 - 16:19:00 BST

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