HP Protocol Analyzers

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Wed Sep 11 17:17:00 2002


At 09:02 AM 9/11/02 -0700, you wrote:
>--- "J.C. Wren" <jcwren_at_jcwren.com> wrote:
>> I acquired a pair of HP-4952A protocol analyzers. One has version
>> 1.00 1986 software, the other A.02.00 1989 software...
>> Also, I'm looking for a copy of the terminal emulator that came with
>> these. I know the diskettes can't be copied on the unit, but I'm sure
>> they could be copied on a *nix box.
>Can't help you with floppy-based HP analyzers, but it leads me to ask
>about my own - I have a pair of portable HP protocol analyzers (I
>*thought* the numbers were 4951A and 4951B, buit they do not use 3.5"
>floppies (that's the 4951C, AFAIK); instead, they use the same sort of
>tapes as a DEC TU-58).

   I have a 4951. It uses the same tapes as the HP-85, HP 9825, etc. IIRC they're DC-100 tapes and you can use the same (40MB?) tapes that were used in PCs. You can also reformat and use DECTapes. But check your drive first, you'll probably find that it has the same problems (melted tape drive roller) as the HPs usually do.

>I did find this PDF on a Google search:
> http://www.helmut-singer.de/pdf/hp4951c-4952a-4954a-4955a-4972a.pdf
>Doesn't solve any problems, but it's a nice feature reference.
>We did lots and lots with ours, including simulating an IBM 37X5 (PU T4)
>up to and including the BIND, with enough RR traffic to fool our PU T2
>product into thinking it was logging onto a real system. It's harder
>than it sounds, especially given that the menu-based "programming
>language" does not allow much creative latitude. I suspect that newer
>analyzers (like yours), especially those mentioned in that PDF file,
>would have better SNA support. In any case, they were stunning for
>BISYNC traffic. Not sure we ever used them for async monitoring, but
>they _will_ do it.
>Are there any other HP analyzer owners on the list? I'd love to swap
>any information.

     My 4951 is in storage but I'm pretty sure that there's a operators manual with it.

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Received on Wed Sep 11 2002 - 17:17:00 BST

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