IN BAD TASTE: Putting the blame where it belongs?
In the book Prometheus (sp?) they load a large freighter with Ammonium Nitrade (with the right additives) then stack the deck with tons of Magnesium ingots and then expode the whole thing in the port in the capital of a South American country. The effect is like that of an atomic bomb (anybody remember what happened in Texas City?) PLUS the flaming magnesium fell for miles outside the blast area and created thousands of fires that combine to form a fire storm. (Remember Toyko in early 1945? The fire storms killed more people than both of the atomic bombs.)
I'm convinced that our "leaders" always get most of their plans from movies, TV and books. (R. Reagan watched StarWars one too many times!)
At 06:06 AM 9/12/02 -0600, you wrote:
>One good OT deserves another... In Clive Cussler's latest book,
>terrorists attempt to sail a supertanker full of propane up to
>the dock and explode it. In the book Dirk Pitt speculates the
>WTC towers would not collapse, but the rest of the area would
>be badly damaged.
>The printing history: First hardcover edition: August 2001
>On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 wrote:
>> And here I am contributing to the way way off topic..... I understand one of
>> Tom Clancy's novels deals with the subject, flying large airliners into a
>> building. Written in the mid 1990's. I am trying to find out which novel it
>> is, he is very prolific.
>> Paxton
>> Who is looking for a novel to take traveling to Fiji and wondering where he
>> will find the internet there?
>> Hmm.. When I was last there (1990) the telecom system was run on intel
>> multibus and the airport on a microvax. Does that make this on topic.
Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 07:41:01 BST
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