IN BAD TASTE: Putting the blame where it belongs?

From: Joe <>
Date: Thu Sep 12 13:56:41 2002

At 11:53 AM 9/12/02 -0500, you wrote:
>At 09:39 AM 9/12/2002 -0700, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
>>But I think that the 1989 Flight Simulator is the FIRST reference to
>>planes with the WTC.
>When they built the WTC, the builders and planners were quite aware of
>its potential as a terrorist target.

     I don't think they were actually considering a terrorist act when they were designing the WTC. What they were considering was an accidental crash such as the bomber that crashed into the Empire State building in 1945. They did consider the effects of a plane crash but they were considering the effects of a 707 (the largest plane at that time) and not a fully loaded 767.

Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 13:56:41 BST

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