Justin Frim wrote:
> $20 to anyone who can find me an MS-DOS driver for a Reveal external
> 2X CD-ROM drive, model CD 610, FCC ID: 138-EXT-CDROMSLM
> Specifics:
> ISA controller card: Reveal Computer Products Inc, V1.2, FCC ID:
> 138-MMCD861 CD-ROM drive: Matsushita-Kotobuki Electronics
> Industries Ltd, model CD-563-B, FCC ID: IUO9TB008CRB
The Matsushita (Panasonic) CDROM is the same as one I had - IIRC mine was a
CR563B. It uses a Panasonic bus - NOT IDE. Most of the controller cards used
the same drivers anyway. MKE wrote a driver and everyone went and cloned
their card. I'll see if I can find a driver for you.
> DIP switch information for switch bank SW1 on the controller card
> would also be useful.
Probably selects the card address.
> BTW, I'm not really offering $20... just gratitude. But that's
> priceless, right? ;)
Uh-hu..... Riiiiighhttt....
Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 15:57:00 BST