Software & docs for Shiva Fastpath 4 box

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Thu Sep 12 20:24:01 2002

--- Pete Turnbull <> wrote:
> On Sep 12, 9:51, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > --- Carlos Murillo <> wrote:
> > > >> Now I have another question: How do you connect the Fastpath 4's
> > > >> DE-9 Localtalk connector to a phonenet network?
> > > >With a standard (ancient) DE-9<->PhoneNet adapter. Barring that, I
> > > >have made DIN-8 to DE-9 LocalTalk adapters
> All the commercial LocalTalk and Phonenet adaptors contain an isolating
> transformer, which is carefully designed to preserve nice clean square
> waves from one side of the interface to the other. Note that you can't
> just use any old small transformer! There's a web page describing the
> innards at

Perfect! Just the sort of page I knew existed somewhere... here's
a helpful table from it:

And here are the serial connections from page A-4 of "Inside Appletalk"
Second Edition:

Wire Sig MiniDIN-8 DE-9
Red TxD- pin 3 pin 5
Blu RxD- pin 5 pin 9

Wht RxD+ pin 8 pin 8
Grn TxD+ pin 6 pin 4

GND Case Shield Shield

That's the information you need to make a MiniDIN-8 to DE-9
adapter like the one sitting next to me (I really didn't want
to have to pull it and whip out the continuity tester; I *knew*
this was not hard-to-get information).

The comment that page makes about hooking Apple's cable scheme to
Farallon's is absolutely true. My mother's network had a satin
cable with an Apple connector on one end, and an RJ-11 on the other
to bridge the two wiring schemes. I did not make it. She did not
make it. AFAIK, she bought it from Farallon.

Thanks for the excellent link, Pete.


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Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 20:24:01 BST

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