OT: Re: Illegal Possession of Controlled Devices (was:

From: Bob Shannon <bshannon_at_tiac.net>
Date: Fri Sep 13 13:42:01 2002

No no, you find the monitoring van.....or remote recorder setup...

Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:

>>>AFAIK it is already illegal in the US of A to mess with any
>>>eavesdropping equipment of the police/FBI/.gov you may happen to find
>>>in, on or connected to your property (yeah right - and the big bad drug
>>>lord _of_ _course_ leaves the microphone in his living room in place and
>>>keeps discussing his drug shipments from south amerika there - after
>>>all, he's a law abiding criminal *manical laughter*). Or so I've read
>>Hell, if I ever find something (meaning they did a poor job of hiding it),
>>how do I know it was the 'police' and not some criminal that broke in and
>>installed it? In any matter, it's going to quietly get smashed with a big
>>enough hammer... or maybe just retasked to listening to the exhaust pipe
>>of my car.
>How do you smash it with a big hammer QUIETLY?!?
>That just gets new ones installed. Proper way to handle it is with a
>prepared script, and some tape loops of background noises and

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