Imlac assembler almost ready...
No on-line docs, but I have full schematics for the PDS-1. Not easily
But to turn this into a FPGA processor, a MAJOR redesign is needed. The
current design is highly dependant
on RC pulse shaping networks, one-shots, etc. The memory timing is very
core-specific, and some modifications
were needed for it to use modern semiconductor memory.
So to implement this on a chip, a new CPU needs to be designed just
about from the ground up, using modern design methods. About all you
really need is the instruction set information, the original schematics
are not much of a help here due to the design methods used by Imlac back
in 1968 and 1969.
Its really amazing to see how much engineers did not know back then.
Its also amazing that the Imlac worked at all, given how it was
implemented back then.
Ben Franchuk wrote:
> Bob Shannon wrote:
>> How about a ReImlac?
>> The Imlac CPU is amazingly simple, and would be an ideal project for
>> re-implementation on a FPGA.
> do you know of any DOCS on the web for the hardware/software details?
Received on Sat Sep 14 2002 - 09:28:00 BST
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