Dear Christian,
On 10/15/01 you wrote, concerning CP/M-8000:
I've got a Olivetti M20 Z8001 PC, and it appears that once there was a
CP/M-8000 version available for it.
Has anyone got such thing? I'd be interested in this, I could swap
with some PCOS programs. (Assuming the copyright holder (Olivetti)
doesn't mind.)
In case you still are looking for it, here's the link to the officilial DR distribution of CP/M-8000 tuned to the M20:
On this page you will find the link to CP/M-8000 distributions
I have a few questions concerning the z8001 and accompanying software, may I get in contact with you about this (I am planning to build a Z8001 system myself (in the year 2002? Yes, because I bought the parts in 1985 and I rediscovered them just recently)
Jurjen Kranenborg
Received on Mon Sep 16 2002 - 02:10:31 BST