>Thanks to some help from Bob I got past the HP 2117F power supply issue so
>now the box is not totally dead. Some day after I figure out a lot more
>about how this system works I'll have to try building an HPIB cable to
>connect to the 12821A disc interface in the system and see if I can get it
>to talk to one of my CS/80 drives. Apparently this box has a CS/80 boot
>prom which I have been told is not too common.
I have a machine with the CS80 boot ROMs but have been unable to dup them.
One of the problems that we've had is finding a burner to dup the ROMs. Bob
Shannon had tried a number of times but still can't get his copies to work.
So... This weekend I wnet to the Melbourne Hamfest and stumbled across an
old programmer that is supposed to burn Harris 7611's. Now If I can just get
Bob to send some of those chips back to me, maybe I can make dups.
See ya,
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Received on Mon Sep 16 2002 - 09:02:07 BST