I have a Televideo 912C and a General DataComm Gen Net Terminal Server. I
want to make these two machines talk to each other. I think it would be
really cool to be able to display a Trek game or something. But I have a
couple of problems. First of all, I'm mostly a PC guy. I don't know
anything about these machines. Secondly, I don't even think the ports on the
back of the Gen Net are RS-232C. If they are, there's a protocol problem or
something, because what gets echoed back isn't what I type. (I type several
characters before one is echoed, and the echoed character is usually an
odd-looking non-character.)
I don't know the password on the server, and I don't know how to operate its
control keyboard. Here's something else weird--you have to actually remove
the front cover to turn it on and off!
Here are some pictures of these machines
net/fastluck1/Televideo.htm. Check out the terminal--it looks really cool.
Can anyone give me information on operating these machines, or point me in
the right direction?
Thanks in advance,
Received on Tue Sep 17 2002 - 11:20:00 BST