Hello Emanuel,
Thanks for your answer !
the Modell 9715(0)-515 is, in a way, the FSD-500 drive (CDC description).
I found the values of the drive, but I don't know to what kind of machine
these drives were connected before. And theses drives have lots of jumpers.
I guess, we're both searching the manuals...
Anybody an idea where we can find manuals of these drives ?
> P.Gebhardt_at_gmx.de wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Moreover, the descriptions on the net are a bit confusing.
> > Several sites say that the QD32 is an E-SMD controller, while other
> sites
> > talk of a SMD-Controller ?
> supports SMD & SMD-E, up to 20 MHz.
> Certified are:
> CDC: 9457 LMD, 9710-80, 9715-340, 9715-515, 9720, 9771 XMD
> CDS 315,
> Fujitsu: 2298, 2321, 2322, M2333, m2351a, m2361a
> NEC 2352
> > I hope that the QD32 supports E-SMD as I read that these drives are
> > drives...
> > Same case as to the controller... I can't find any descriptions or
> manuals
> > on the net in order to set the jumpers correctly.
> I thought that the qd32 manual is on the net somewhere ...
> > And the last thing: 3 big FSD-500 (CDC) drives (9") are waiting
> > to be connected.
> Do you have the manuals for them ?
> You probably have to setup the QD32-NVRAM with the right values ...
> cheers
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Received on Wed Sep 18 2002 - 03:13:12 BST