Bring up CPM-8000, I need a little CPM type help

From: Dwight K. Elvey <>
Date: Thu Sep 19 12:36:00 2002

 I've been working on bringing up a CPM-8000 on my
Olivetti M20. I've made quite a bit of progress but
I seem to have hit a stumbling block.
 The code that was available on the net was found on
8 inch disk. The files themselves seem to be the
correct code to run on 5-1/4 inch disk. I've been
building a image disk on my PC and trying them out
on the M20. I've got to the point now ( after some
other failed attempts ) that it is running the
bootstrap code. This is the last part before it
reads CPM.SYS and transfers execution to it.
 The bootstrap code expects there to be a file called
CPM.SYS in the normal CPM file space and looks in
the CPM directory for it. Right now, I get an error
message that says it has an error opening or reading
CPM.SYS ( this is how I know the bootstrap is running ).
Looking at the source code for this part, it doesn't
make the distinction between an error in reading the
directory or an error in reading/finding the file.
 I suspect that I am either building the directory
wrong or I got something wrong with the file. I'm
not sure which it is. I feel I am really close to getting
it to work but there is some little thing I missed.
 I what hoping is that someone could look at my image file
and see something obviously wrong or could send me
an image of a normal 5-1/4 CPM disk ( hopefully with the
same parameters ). You don't have to know any Z8000.
You do have to know the inners of CPM.
Received on Thu Sep 19 2002 - 12:36:00 BST

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