Looking for statistics on the Computer market of the 80's
And thusly Voyager spake:
> Well, up to now, the only stats I got is:
> ZX80s aroung 70.000 pcs
> (ZX81s ~2.000.000 pcs) ???
> ZX48K and ZX+ ~3.000.000 pcs
> QLs 100.000 pcs
> Orics: less than 300.000 for both Oric1 & Oric ATMOS.
> Any hints on the MSX market? the Commodores?
This is from the 2002 Guinness Book of World Records:
"About 30 million Commodore 64 computers were sold between the model's
launch in 1982 and its commercial decline in 1993. The computer contained
64K RAM, 16K graphics, and 16K sound."
Received on Tue Sep 24 2002 - 13:18:01 BST
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