On VMS there was an easier way to transfer files via
kermit and still retain the files' attributes.
The tecnique involved using VMS' backup utility to
create a backup file save set with a record length of
8192 bytes and group=0 (no redundancy groups). You
transfer that file over to the other system in fixed
file mode - the result is a 512 byte record length
binary file.
You then on that system create a small backup save set
with the same record size of 8192 bytes, and use
copy/overlay to copy the transferred file over that
newly created backup saveset. Viola, VMS recreates
the file from the first system with the proper record
structure, and you can then use backup/restore to get
the files you transferred out and put them to use.
Particularly useful when transferring Stream_LF file
types I recall.
-- Frank
--- Ethan Dicks <> wrote:
> --- Clayton Frank Helvey <> wrote:
> > Christopher:
> >
> > It's been some time since I used an RSX11 Kermit,
> > however...
> And I never did, but I used VMS Kermit a lot 10-15
> years ago, and
> the problems/issues are similar (due to the
> filesystem)
> > I believe there's another option on the RSX11 side
> > called "fixed" as in "binary file fixed record
> length
> > of 512 bytes".
> Yes. Same as VMS. RMS (Record Management
> Services), a library
> that has no equivalent that I know of in UNIX or
> Windows, understands
> record-oriented files, not just sequences of bytes.
> Text files,
> object libraries and tasks/executables are all
> different.
> > You may be ending up with variable record length
> > binary file or a fixed length record size of 128
> bytes
> > or something like that.
> Exactly. We used to run into this problem all the
> time when I was
> working customer support at SRC. With many of our
> customers, it was
> faster and simpler to mail them a 9-track tape than
> talk them through
> how to use Kermit (since we typically had to send
> binary files).
> Programs are somewhat easy - as Larry said, 'set
> file type fixed' on
> the RSX end (or both, if appropriate) will tell RSX
> (or VMS) Kermit
> to open the file via RMS to the correct type for a
> runnable program.
> What will give you fits will be .OLB (Object
> Library) files or any other
> kind of file that has a complex record structure
> (VMS Backup files?)
> We resorted to a program called BACKPACK.EXE for
> VMS. Think of it like
> a UUENCODE for RMS files. It converts a binary file
> to printable ASCII,
> including RMS record metadata.
> ISTR, BACKPACK.EXE was written in FORTRAN, in case
> anyone wants to
> port it anywhere. Given that it only really helps
> when moving things
> from VMS<->VMS, etc., it probably won't help you
> with your problem,
> but I wanted to mention it as a period solution to
> the worst-case
> file transfer problem with complex files on a DEC
> machine.
> > --- Christopher McNabb <>
> > wrote:
> > > Which kermit mode should be used when
> transfering
> > > files to an RSX-11 system using kermit, ASCII or
> > > I realize this is normally based on the type
> > > of the file, but when I xfer task files using
> > > I get this silly "not a valid task" message when
> I try to
> > > install or run the file.
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Received on Tue Sep 24 2002 - 16:48:00 BST