Unfortunately I (somehow) missed the start of this thread, but I figured I
might as well jump in.
I don't even know for sure who asked the original question, but I hope
this gets to whoever is interested.
First of all, you need to set kermit to transfer binary files in order to
transfer tasks (I figure it handles this if you allow it to
automatically decide the mode as well).
Second, kermit-11 can send attribute packets, which tranfers RMS
information, along with the file.
Third, KERMIT-11 is somewhat buggy. I wrote a patch or two to remedy the
most obvious errors (which crashed KERMIT-11 if attribute packets were
However, I got tired of this whole thing, and wrote a program similar to
uuencode/uudecode for RSX, which preserves everything, while converting
to/from plain text files. I called it COD, and it's in MACRO-11. Not in
all respects a beautiful program (the source, that is), but it works very
nice, and it's free.
Using this, you just throw your file at COD, transfer the text
file, run it through COD, and you have your file back. It retains all
attributes, contigous state, and some other meta information as well (such
as file protection).
If anyone need it, it is free, available in source at
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt_at_update.uu.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Received on Wed Sep 25 2002 - 09:28:00 BST