I agree that the economy is worse than it looks at
first glance. There are going to be suicides when the
third Q 401(k) statements come out. And I'm not
kidding. And just in time for the election. I'm
fortunate to be working for a company that's pretty
light, tight, and smart.
I think I'm working smarter AND harder (both at work
and collecting)! OTOH, I think I'm more proud to show
something I've restored to good appearance and
function than just having something I bought. Buying a
broken, dying ADM-3A for $25.00 and then restoring it
gives me more satisfaction than getting a perfectly
restored one for $300. And I'd feel that way even if I
HAD the $300.
If there's a recession, it sure hasn't hit the
hard-core geeks yet. I still get blown away on what
people pay on eBay (recently, over $500 for a 4004 CPU
board out of (maybe) an EPROM programmer - with
PLASTIC parts, fer gods sake, never mind ceramic/white
ceramic, and not an entire working computer ,either,
of course). Nonetheless, you can STILL catch bargains
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Received on Fri Sep 27 2002 - 01:16:00 BST