--- Ross Archer <archer_at_topnow.com> wrote:
> Unemployment is almost certainly 10-15% right now,
> and
> again, note the sorts of people who were laid off
> that
> make up that "only" 1% increase. A lot of them are
> undoubtedly geeky computer collectors.
> And finally, I know so many engineers out of work
> personally,
> that I have to conclude the government is lying
> about
> the statistics they're releasing.
> -- Ross
I personally don't know any engineers out of work so I
may conclude just the opposite :), however,
contractors I know say they recently have been forced
to take jobs at less desireable locations. 15%
unemployment is hard to believe...
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Received on Fri Sep 27 2002 - 18:34:00 BST