Free DEC-ish stuff in DC

From: Jerome H. Fine <>
Date: Sun Sep 29 14:05:00 2002

>"R. D. Davis" wrote:

> If anyone else, locally, wants the drives, and other stuff mentioned,
> and not the rack, I'll be glad to split the cost of renting a truck
> for a day with them.

Jerome Fine replies:

I am too far away in Toronto to consider this trip,
however, if anyone is heading north to get back
home, I am interested in the magneto optical drives.
I acquired a large number of the media for a Sony
SMO S501 drive last year and would like a backup
drive or even two.

> > Some 5.25" FH SCSI and ESDI drives. In the few hundred MB to 2 Gbyte
> > range.
> I'd better not... these drives seem to multiply when no one's looking.

I would be interested in an XT8760E as a backup spare.

I also have a number of ST32550N 2 GByte drives which
I intend to use for a few years to run RT-11 on both a
real PDP-11 and a PC under Ersatz-11.

You are right - I think that they must have rabbit genes!

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
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Received on Sun Sep 29 2002 - 14:05:00 BST

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