A. Not yet, it was only posted minutes ago!
B. Shipping to the UK would not be much, we are only talking about a
small PCB, so the
weight and size are very small.
C. Make me an offer. Clearly one chip collector places a very high
dollar value on the 'only'
1801 chip set he's aware of. This is the full 1801 CPU board, so its
more 'practical' in my
eyes, for someone who would acutally use the board and build a
1801-based ELF-like thing.
So I don't have a preset dollar value in mind at all, and am willing to
accept trades, etc.
But some day, I'd love to look at some web page, and see a pretty blue
1801 CPU board
built into a working machine, rather than have it sitting unused in some
I think its rare-enough that my first concern is that it should go to a
'good home' rather than
what I get for it. This is why I posted the offer to the mailing list
rather than eBay.
Philip Pemberton wrote:
>Bob Shannon wrote:
>>I've just found something rather rare, and I'm willing to part with
>>it, so...
>Three questions:
>A) Has it gone yet?
>B) How much will it cost to ship this thing to the UK?
>C) How much do you want for it?
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Received on Mon Sep 30 2002 - 13:28:00 BST