H89 CP/M hard-secored boot diskette

From: ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Tue Apr 1 13:04:01 2003

Dwight K. Elvey wrote:

> It has been a while since I had the machine running. I can
> fire it up and check what I have. The only issue I have for
> making copies for others is the media. I only have a few
> hard sectored disk. For some reason, I thought that disk
> formats would last at least as long as 33 lp records. I
> didn't realize at the time that media was being obsoleted
> as fast as it was produced. I know better now.

The funny thing some small record companies still produce
records.You can still get records, but not the crappy $7.95 k-tell
stuff, but higher priced and higher quality audio.A good
record changer and other assorted parts ( like a clean record)
is better music wise than any CD.

Can a regular disk be punched to make hard sectored disc?
Received on Tue Apr 01 2003 - 13:04:01 BST

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