New Finds & question

From: Ed <>
Date: Fri Apr 4 11:37:00 2003

Hello all,

This morning I picked up some Dec stuff :

1x Alpha 400/166 + 1 Dec storage tower running Unix
1x Alpha 400/166 + 1 Dec storage tower running NT
1 Infotower/infoserver 1000 with 5 CD-Rom's
1 Vax 4000/100

With it came a box of cables, for which I have no idea where they
can be used for. One of the cables is marked BC18D-02 and is about
50cm long, the other is a cable which has on one end a sort of
high density connector and has a small block in the middle which forks
into 4 D25 connectors.
The vax 4000 has the female connectors at the back, am I right if these
cables are for terminals?



The Wanderer                      | Politici zijn onbetrouwbaar                  | Europarlementariers: zakkenvullers        | en neuspeuteraars.
Unix Lives! M$ Windows is rommel! | Wie mij te na komt zal het weten.
'97 TL1000S                       |
Received on Fri Apr 04 2003 - 11:37:00 BST

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