> hi,
>> (the chip in question is a ST9293J9B1/AEL for the record,
> What is this TV model & brand?
It's a Ferguson T7073SJD, using an ICC9 chassis. One website containing a
faults database listed the failure of that chip giving the exact symptoms that
I see (no sound when the set warms up and the remote operation goes
I've pulled the main board and will re-solder all the joints in that area just
to check; there's only one electrolytic as part of the circuitry surrounding
that chip but I'll replace it with a known-good just in case. Tony's point
about the crystal was interesting - I didn't think those things ever failed.
I'll see if I've got a spare to try anyway.
The set's awful inside - very cheaply made with little thought to cable runs,
connectors, and how the various boards plug together. Guess they must have had
different teams working on different sections and management for the overall
project wasn't exactly what it should have been... (typical of more modern
equipment unfortunately!)
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Received on Sun Apr 06 2003 - 08:12:00 BST